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I can’t connect my hardware wallet to import its accounts; when I try to pair my hardware wallet, it displays an error message.

Close any programs that might interfere with the connection between your Ledger/Trezor and your computer. This includes Ledger Live, Trezor Suite, antivirus software and browser add-ons.

When you connect your hardware wallet, please ensure that your device’s firmware and app are up to date and that the device is unlocked and ready. If you're using a Ledger, please make sure that the Cardano app is open and you see the prompt 'Waiting for commands'.

If that doesn’t fix the problem, try using a different browser.

If you're connecting a Trezor T and the process seems stuck, please ensure that you've enabled popups (look for an alert/warning message if you're not sure whether a popup has been blocked, and make sure popup-blocking is turned off in Settings, and that pop-up blockers are disabled).

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