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If you're staking Solana, there are 2 actions you should be familiar with: Unstake and Withdraw. 

These actions are used to transfer SOL out of your stake account and back into your main account, so you'll use these when you want to stop staking or withdraw staking rewards.

This article explains:

Unstake vs. Withdraw

You can see the Unstake and Withdraw buttons on the right of each stake account in your Solana staking dashboard.

If you 'Unstake', you stop staking some or all of the SOL in your stake account. After several days of deactivating, this SOL is unstaked and becomes inactive.

Now you need to 'Withdraw' it. This moves the SOL out of the inactive stake account and back into the main account's available balance.

The Withdraw button also has another use: to withdraw MEV rewards. More on that below.

Unstake and withdraw SOL from a stake account

Unstake and withdraw all SOL

Required: enough SOL to pay the transaction fees

1. Find the Solana stake account and click Unstake

2. Choose a priority fee (a higher fee increases your transaction's chances of being submitted)

3. Click Unstake and sign the transaction (HW users will need to connect their device to do this)

You should see confirmation inside your wallet that the transaction was submitted and that the stake account is being deactivated. It can take several days for the stake account to be deactivated and become inactive.

4. When the stake account's status is 'INACTIVE', click Withdraw to transfer the SOL to your main account's available balance.


Unstake and withdraw a custom amount of SOL

NuFi wallet supports partial unstaking, which means you can unstake a custom amount of SOL from a stake account. This allows you to withdraw an amount equivalent to your earned staking rewards. 

The custom amount you unstake is moved to a new stake account, which is then deactivated and unstaked, while the remaining SOL stays staked in the original stake account. You can withdraw the custom amount you unstake after one full epoch has passed.

Required: enough SOL to pay the transaction fees

1. Find the Solana stake account and click Unstake

2. Uncheck the box that says 'Unstake the whole staking balance' and choose a custom amount to unstake

3. Choose a priority fee (a higher fee increases your transaction's chances of being submitted)

4. Click Unstake and sign the transaction (HW users will need to connect their device to do this)

You should see confirmation inside your wallet that the transaction was submitted and that the stake account is being deactivated. It can take several days for the stake account to be deactivated and become inactive.

4. When the stake account's status is 'INACTIVE', click Withdraw to transfer the SOL to your main account's available balance.

About MEV rewards

What are MEV rewards?

Some Solana validators (like NuFi's) offer extra rewards to stakers on top of regular staking rewards. The extra rewards are called MEV rewards.

MEV rewards are different from regular staking rewards. Firstly, MEV rewards are paid by Jito (and not the blockchain), and MEV rewards aren't staked automatically when they're received into a stake account. Because MEV rewards aren't staked, you can withdraw them instantly without needing to unstake and wait for them to deactivate.

How to see if you've earned MEV rewards

To see if you've earned MEV rewards, look in the 'Withdrawable' column. This balance includes earned MEV rewards and any SOL that has been unstaked and is waiting to be withdrawn.

You can withdraw MEV rewards (and unstaked SOL) if the balance is greater than 0.01 SOL.

How to withdraw MEV rewards

Required: enough SOL to pay the transaction fees

1. Find the Solana stake account and click Withdraw

2. Choose an amount to withdraw

3. Choose a priority fee (a higher fee increases your transaction's chances of being submitted)

4. Click Withdraw and sign the transaction (HW users will need to connect their device to do this)

The withdrawn SOL is transferred immediately to your main account's available balance.